Gospelmaps was created when we realized that the gospel music industry was lacking in resources. Websites are jam-packed with sheet music for Contemporary Christian Music but gospel charts are nowhere to be found.
Enter Gospelmaps, the solution to the problem. Here we offer an ever-expanding variety of Reliable and Accurate Rhythm, Vocal, and Chord Charts. These charts will help you navigate even the most difficult gospel song and help you and your team expand YOUR library.
Thanks for taking the time to check us out. For questions and more info, contact us. Can’t find the song you’re looking for? Send us a request.
Privacy Policy
For your protection, all personal information that we gather from your account is safely stored on our secure server. All information is volunteered and gathered for the purpose of serving you more effectively and efficiently. Gospelmaps does not sell its contact list to any other business.
We do not collect credit card information. All financial transactions are handled through authorized, third-party merchant provider.
By registering or leaving your email with Gospelmaps, you consent to receive email communication for the purpose of informing you about our resources and services. All of our emails from Gospelmaps have an option to unsubscribe. Any personal information that is gathered may be viewed and edited from My Account. From there, you can also opt in or out of our email updates.
Usage Agreement
Before downloading your file, please review the terms below. If you agree to the terms, you may proceed with downloading your file. If you do not agree with the terms, you may exit this page and continue browsing the site. Here are the terms to consider:
- You agree that these terms are considered a legal contract between you and us (Gospelmaps LLC).
- We have the right to update these terms at any time, which then supersede any old terms.
- All of the music downloaded from Gospelmaps is protected by copyright law and is for your Personal Use only. If you have a CCLI License, which we highly suggest, it is your responsibility to know the privileges and limits. CCLI does cover you for the congregational use of lyrics.
- Gospelmaps Charts (Rhythm-Vocal, Rhythm, and Chord Charts) are non-transferable and must not be shared with other churches, organizations, or individuals. Churches with more than one campus must purchase separate music and/or a separate membership for each campus.
- If you change churches, you are not permitted to take your music with you. Rather, you should register a new account for your new church, and include the new church’s CCLI License, then repurchase the music you need for that church’s account.
- The lyrics included in Gospelmaps arrangements are copyright protected and cannot be changed without express permission from the copyright owner.
- We reserve the right to terminate your account and access to content for any misuse of the site, the content, or any services & products at our discretion.
- Gospelmaps may collect and use your information for marketing purposes. We will not sell your information to 3rd parties.
- In all cases, the customer is ultimately responsible for their copyright compliance and the legal ramifications of their actions.
Gospelmaps has updated the way you download your purchased charts. You now can go to My Account to download plus see previously purchased items.
Refund Policy
All sales are final – refunds and returns are not available under any circumstances.
Tax Exemption
Gospelmaps is a business in Texas, therefore, any purchase made in the State of Texas is subject to Sales Tax. If you wish to file for Tax Exempt Status please download the Texas 01-339 Form and email to [email protected]
Gospelmaps owns all custom graphics and content on this site. The arrangements are owned by the copyright owners of the songs. (All rights reserved. Used by permission.)
It is your responsibility to comply with copyright laws in making use of the music at Gospelmaps. We highly recommend that you have an active membership with CCLI and record your copying activity according to their standards. Under no circumstances are you permitted to share the music of Gospelmaps with people outside of your church or ministry. Please encourage others to get their own account at Gospelmaps, from which they can access all of the same great music.
All of our charts come with a satisfaction guarantee. We are so confident in the quality of our charts, that if you are not fully satisfied, we will fix the chart.